Monday, February 15, 2010

UdB misconceptions and difficulties

While trying to design my course some of my difficulties were identified with 2 misconceptions I found on Chapter 13

Misconception 2: "Yes, but.....we have too much content to cover"

Now I understand that my course has certain priorities that should be framed as performance goal and understandings. It makes no sense to assume that everything in the textbook should be taught in class or learned by all students. The textbook should be used just a reference book. Much of what I would aim from students to learn is gained from a well-designed work, with meaningful content that will make learning more effective and engaging.

Misconception 3: "Yes, but....this work is too hard and I just don't have the time

In part this is true, the time needed to do all this work could be best developed through local study groups and local research.
In fact, our team of English teachers should ask: What approaches to curriculum design, taching and assessing actually yield the greatest student learning, regardless of our habits and attitudes? Then, we need to uncover the big ideas through ongoing inquires and discussion
My course is just the beginning of a big challenge that needs to be connected with the following courses and we should unify our essential questions, assessment and big ideas by developing plans to achieve consistency in our final work. This support will avoid that feeling of hard and time consuming work.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Instead of asking the question "What technolgy skills must students have to face the 21st century?" should we not be asking "What thinking and literacy skills must students have to face the 21st century?" These skills are not tied to any particular sofware or technology-type, but rather aim to provide students with the thinking skill and thus the opportunity to succeed no matter what their futures hold.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

spotlight on my teaching

After several years of teaching English I begin to suspect that certain factors hindered some of my adult students who finally gave up, since they could not cope with the numerous roles they faced every day such as being a parent, an employee, a sucessful professional, etc. It seemed to fall into lack of accessibility or lack of effectiveness.

A month ago, I came across this course which is offering endless instructional tools for learning and teaching by using the internet and service connections.

My goal for the next few months is to start this process of learning the technology required to create an online course and update my teaching. However, it is hard for me and I will have to work a lot in order to discover, assume and learn all this stuff I was never used to; sometimes I feel like a baby learning to walk and falling down on every step I try, then I stand up--I am not alone--I just HOPE I will finally manage to understand and get familiar with this new "technological" way of teaching that will enable me accomplish this goal.